(Coat: Old Navy, Sweater: Thrifted, Shirt: American Eagle, Pants and Flats: Target, Bracelets: F21, Glasses: Random Kiosk)
So day 4 of being sick and I can't seem to kick whatever I have. I think now it is turning into a sinus infection but can't really tell yet. Whatever I got is kicking my butt, but on the bright side I did make it through a whole day of work yesterday and I am hoping I don't have to head home today. A good dose of vitamin C and some more sleep may help me though. Hopefully by the weekend I will start feeling better.
P.S. These pics were taken when I wasn't sick and that it why I look so happy!
P.S. These pics were taken when I wasn't sick and that it why I look so happy!

oh dear I hope I didn't pass you the bug on blogger. We are now both sick. God bless you and get well soon! I love that coat, keep yourself snug and warm!