(Blazer and Shirt: Thrifted, Jeans: Target, Boots: GoJane, Hat: Burton, Bracelets: H&M and F21)
Last week we got snow for the first time this season. It also didn't feel too good (see the I am going to smile but feel like crap expression on my face) so it was a good day to stay inside. I only made it through a half day of work and then headed home. This week I am back to normal and of course there is another chance of snow tomorrow. Guess I will be back to wearing layers and boots tomorrow.
Oscar even got to dress up for Halloween. He just got to wear a bandanna.

I love your thrifted blazer and shirt!! So cute!! Visiting from Thriftaholics and now following you!
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Katie @ Glamorous Without the Guilt
great blazer! what a great find!!
cute little doggie, best costume award! You look really smart and chic, the blazer is a good buy!