Sunday, October 7, 2012

Weekend Pumpkin Patch

This weekend we ventured out into a new part of Kentucky to check out some pumpkin patches and some pumpkin "garage sales". There were some good places to see and some very "redneck" pumpkin farms. The two places with the best selection and more attractions are the ones that we stayed at. We browsed through the assortment of pumpkins and even went through a cornmaze, where my husband thought it would be fun to scare me. I didn't think that was very nice. We even scored some huge pumpkins for $3 and can't wait to carve them.
How was your weekend? Have you went to a pumpkin patch/farm yet?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Coming Soon

We are happy to announce that we are expecting our first child in early April next year. The last few months have been rough but we made it through. Here's to more posts coming with outfits and pregnancy updates. Thanks for those who have stuck with the blog in my 3 month break!